When to get a roof inspection

Roof inspections are an important aspect of maintaining your home.  Home repairs are important and can turn into bigger problems if they are put off.  We have put together common reasons that you should consider getting a roof inspection and how to prepare for an inspection.

When should you get a roof inspection?

1. Annual roof inspections are an important part of maintaining your home and ensuring that your roof is in good health.  We recommend a professional inspection every year or if damage is noticed and after a large storm.  Inspections of your roof may tell you that your roof is in good health, you need a few repairs, or a roof replacement is needed.
2. If you are buying or selling a home you should have a roof inspection.  When selling a home, it is important to have a roof inspection as you may uncover necessary repairs or replacements such as shingles or gutters.  These fixes can not only increase the value of a home but may make a home more marketable and increase buyer confidence.  If you are buying a home, you should ensure that you have a roof inspection if you do not get documentation of roof condition as in some cases, home warranties may cover these repairs.  We would recommend you get an inspection of the roof prior to buying the house if possible!
3. When damage is noticed you should have an inspection.  If you have missing shingles or siding damage, you could have larger issues to your interior overtime so these should be fixed promptly to prevent larger issues.
4. When there has been a large storm in your area you should have an inspection.  If there have been extreme winds or hail in your area, your roof can potentially be damaged, needing repairs or needing replacement.  Not fixing necessary repairs to your roof can lead to damage to your home’s interior and bigger problems on your hands.  Homeowners insurance may help cover damages depending on what is found on inspections.

When you are looking for roofing contractors to do an inspection, check out local contractors with good ratings, reviews, and reputations.  A good contractor will only recommend repairs or replacements if they are necessary.

JLK Contracting has a great reputation in the local NW Missouri area, and we would be happy to do a free inspection for your home or business.

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JLK Contracting, LLCs mission is to deliver the highest quality service to meet our clients’ roofing needs through experienced , trustworthy employees.